Discuss the 4Ps of marketing, establishing and focusing on the ones most relevant to your project

The 4 Ps of marketing is a marketing is a concept that summarizes the four basic pillars of any marketing strategy.

The four Ps of marketing are:

Product: What you sell. Could be a physical good, services, consulting, etc.

Price: How much do you charge and how does that impact how your customers view your brand?

Place: Where do you promote your product or service? Where do your ideal customers go to find information about your industry?

Promotion: How do your customers find out about you? What strategies do you use, and are they effective?

It sounds simple and it really is. The harder part is implementing the 4ps of marketing, which we will get into in the next sections.

The theory behind the 4 Ps of marketing is that covering all 4 Ps will result in higher sales. But, sadly nothing is quite that easy.


