Advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce websites



  • Convenience and Accessibility: Anyone can order and receive what they need from online businesses at any time, with the quickest possible delivery and easy returns. Also, consumers can access e-commerce websites or apps from their computers or smartphones.
  • Wide Variety: E-retailers offer an increased selection of products and services, making it easier for customers to pick the best deal. Sometimes what cannot be found in the local market can be found on the internet store.
  • Personalized Experience: Potential buyers can specify their preferences for a particular product. Likewise, loyal customers will see personalized offerings in their feeds.
  • Reduced Operating Cost: Businesses operating over the Internet do not need to spend on physical stores or marketing efforts.
  • International Presence: Most e-commerce enterprises have branches outside their jurisdiction, allowing customers worldwide to shop from them. It helps expands their business and increase sales revenue.


  • Limited Customer Support: While shopping online, consumers do not have the opportunity to speak with a sales professional regarding product or service features, as they do in brick-and-mortar establishments.
  • No Physical Touch: Another disadvantage of purchasing online is that one cannot touch the desired goods, try it in real-time, or check if it meets their needs. Getting products not matching expectations leads to unsatisfactory customer experiences, product returns, and loss of funds in some cases.
  • Waiting Time: The time taken from placing an order online to getting it delivered is relatively greater than if the consumer bought it from a retail store.
  • Security: Electronic commerce services require customers to provide personal and financial information to proceed with a purchase. Hackers and cybercriminals can attack websites or apps and steal these sensitive details.
  • Customer Reviews: Almost every e-commerce platform has a dedicated section where buyers share their personal experiences with the product or service. Unfortunately, there are sometimes thousands of mixed reviews that may positively or negatively impact sales.
  • Trust Issues: Customers who are satisfied with their purchases from reputable brands are more likely to use them again in the future. Conversely, the arrival of a new electronic commerce company causes consumers to hesitate before placing their first order with them.

